Suggest 25Live features and functionality!

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We're happy to provide this tool for you to enter your suggestions about Series25 applications and vote on your favorites submitted by other users. Please note that while high vote counts help guide our development priorities, they are not an automatic guarantee that any specific feature will be developed next.

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New suggestions and comments must be approved by CollegeNET before becoming publicly visible, and similar suggestions may be merged. Please keep comments on topic.

Support Links

Store full email history and text for events

Right now we only retain the subject line and recipients when an email is sent for an event. It would be useful to see the full text of every email in the audit trail ...
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 9
Under consideration ** Event Management

Event save emails - delayed trigger based on event date

Allow users to configure a delayed or scheduled email using the scenarios and templates triggered by event save emails. For example: "If scenario A is still valid, ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (27 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 24 Apr Comments: 15

Waitlisting for room requests

If a location is already reserved for a specific time, allow users to continue to request it and track the order in which requests were received.
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (27 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 11
Under consideration ** 25Live Pro Workflow

Log out of Masquerading

Instead of having to open and work from an incognito window, having the ability when masquerading as a different user to log out of that users profile and return to ...
Suggested by: Kathryn DePaola (11 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 20 Nov, '23 Comments: 11

Better logging in audit trail for events

Indicate more clearly what has changed when an event is edited rather than just saying "modify". For example: Indication when notification/assignment policy tasks ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Oct, '19) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 11

More flexible open/close hours for locations

It would be great if hours of availability for locations could be based on date (eg summer hours for the library) and allow for late-night hours (closing at 3am ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 18
Under consideration ** Location Management

Event date buffer based on locations

Schedulers would like to be able to set date constraints on their locations, so that people could not request them before or after a certain date. Add in the ability ...
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 26 Oct, '23 Comments: 12

Timeless (All Day) event

The ability to have an all day event (or an event with no time) for things without space/resources assigments like calendar announcements.... First Day of Class.... ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (18 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 6

Effective dating for locations, resources, and organizations

Allow admins to specify that a location (etc) has details that will be different in the future, and keep track of these differences for purposes of: -Availability ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 7

Default Setup / Takedown time based on location and layout

Add default setup and takedown time to an event based on the location that is assigned and the layout that is chosen.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 06 Nov, '23 Comments: 14

Users to be in more than one security group

I would like to be able to put a users in multiple security groups and they would get the highest level of Functional Security from all Groups and then get the ...
Suggested by: Pamela Mason (20 May, '20) Upvoted: 15 Apr Comments: 10

Provide an option to tie approval due date to event date and not creation date

Reverse the due date set in the notification and assignment policy to be from the event date(s) and not within the event creation dates
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (19 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 15 Apr Comments: 4
Under consideration Workflow

Display pending location assignment requests on grid

It would be helpful to be able to see pending location assignments in 25Live Availability grid on availability grid
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (19 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 18 Mar Comments: 9

'Do Not Include' option for 'Search' based criteria

You can build searches that are made up of other searches, but you can't exclude events that are in a particular search. Where I would find this helpful is when I ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (22 May, '20) Upvoted: 01 Nov, '23 Comments: 13

Ability for Requestors to request a Cancellation of their Event

Once an event has been approved by the Scheduler provide a request form for the requestor to cancel their request. Event is not placed into a Canceled Event State ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (12 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 26 Feb Comments: 8

The ability to "chain" tasks

Users have requested, in various forms, the ability to add some sort of "chain" or "tier" system to workflow. The idea is that certain tasks would need to be complete ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (02 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 30 May, '23 Comments: 10
Done Workflow

Select more than one value for Custom Attribute (multi-select, checklist, check box)

I don't like categories and would instead like to replace them with checklist attributes. This would allow me to control which ones showed up and which Event Types ...
Suggested by: Pamela Mason (26 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 15 Apr Comments: 9

Configure which Email Templates a security group use

Allow the ability to configure which Groups have the rights to use templates created by another user.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (15 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 8

Limit Event Duration by Security Group per day in Event Form

Provide a way to limit the duration a security group can schedule an event per day.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (02 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 15 Jul, '23 Comments: 6

Allow special Date Indication for Holidays, Closures, etc.

We would like to be able to visually see on a calendar when certain things are happening such as a Holiday or Closure. We would not like to block the room off from ...
Suggested by: Michelle Bright (02 Aug, '22) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 10
Under consideration ** Event Management

Warn user when location/resource is not selected for all dates

If a user makes an event that has multiple dates, there should be a warning when a location is not selected for all of them. We request an option to have a “smart ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (18 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 14 Dec, '21 Comments: 7

Show setup and takedown times on calendars

The calendar view of search results only shows the start and end time of an event, not the setup/takedown or pre/post event time. It would be useful to see that on ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (30 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 24 Jan Comments: 14

Quotas for express scheduling

Add more controls that prevent a user from monopolizing an express scheduling location, such as the following. Per Location: -Maximum event duration (e.g. 60 ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Oct, '19) Upvoted: 15 Jul, '23 Comments: 14

Ability to reference searches in event form Rules

Some rule parameters could be based on objects that change frequently, like our roster of student organizations. I will have to update any rules that include this set ...
Suggested by: Julie Hoyenski (16 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 24 Apr Comments: 10
Planned ** Event Rules

Allow users to designate a default organization

As an administrator, I want my users to be able to designate a default organization via the organization editor (much like they do via the event state editor) so that ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (18 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 6

Edit Multiple Tasks in bulk

Allow the ability to edit multiple tasks at once (AP, NP and Flags).
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (08 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 3
Done Workflow

Reassign Tasks / Task Management

Manage assigned tasks in 25live. Including reassignment, removal or addition of approvers. This is pivotal for those that change or are added to a new role.
Suggested by: Dustin Crays (01 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 9
Planned Workflow

Ability to name individual occurrences

Now that occurrences can be customized, Institutions want to be able to identify them with names.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (16 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 24 Jan Comments: 7
Not Planned 25Live Pro Event Form

More triggers for automatic email templates

Please add the ability to trigger email templates with more conditions: -Custom attributes in a certain value -Requirements See also: ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (10 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 13

Limit access to Event Save Email and Manual Templates by Security Group

There is a desire to limit/share access to Event Save Email / Manual Templates by security group. This would keep specialized templates out of the hands of users who ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (06 May, '20) Upvoted: 31 Aug, '22 Comments: 11

Add date Buffer for editing an event similar to creation date buffer

Like the buffer for event creation, have a buffer for event editing.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (01 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 06 Oct, '23 Comments: 4

Task Number Icon!

A recent update has changed the task total at the top of the screen to show all tasks for all time, not just that day's outstanding tasks. Tasks scheduled out by ...
Suggested by: alexis (15 Mar) Upvoted: 11 Apr Comments: 7
Done ** Workflow

Pending Event State

Currently, we use Tentatives for our user requests and Confirmed/Denied for when we've completed the requests. But there are many reservations that must sit as a ...
Suggested by: Bonnie Hendrickson (22 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 16
Under consideration ** Event Management Workflow

Event form configurations that change based on answers to questions

Rather than having a single static configuration for the event form, allow it to dynamically adapt based on the user's submissions as they create an event.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Oct, '19) Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 7

Hide or reduce prominence of event save notifications

The popup that appears after saving an event in Pro can cover up information on the page, and it persists when leaving event details. It can be minimized or even ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (19 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 09 Oct, '23 Comments: 6

Edit events in bulk

Add the ability to edit events en masse to add/remove/change things such as: * Event state * Organization * Location/resource assignments * Categories * Custom ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (13 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 2

Ability to transfer Event Ownership from original owner to another contact

The ability to transfer event ownership from the original owner to another contact. If you do not have the appropriate security rights to change ownership, you would ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (17 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 07 Feb, '23 Comments: 6

Add image directly to a location (instead of uploading to image database > assigning to layouts)

Right now, to display images on a Location, the workflow takes a very long time (you have to upload the image in Admin to the Image Database, assign a Layout to a ...
Suggested by: Kenny M (12 May, '20) Upvoted: 09 Sep, '22 Comments: 5

Add time to event creation buffers

In the config utility you can set a date buffer on when users are and aren't allowed to create events. At least 2 days in advance, no more than 90 days in advance, no ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (18 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 18 Mar Comments: 2
Under consideration Event Configuration

Add the ability for larger and 360 location photos

Be able to incorporate photos from external sources, like the example below...
Suggested by: Alen Bahret (27 May, '20) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 9

More display variables for automatic email templates

Please add the ability to include more things in email templates: -Contacts associated with organizations (eg Faculty Advisor for student orgs) -Extra event times ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (10 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 28 Sep, '22 Comments: 11

Event Form: Have the option for "Additional Time" box to be open by default.

The ability to configure the "additional Time" box that houses setup / pre / post / take down times to be open by default in the event form.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (17 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 9

Upload file attachments that are for internal eyes only

When uploading a file on the Event Form let the user designate which files should be displayed to all users and what files should be hidden from all or some users.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (18 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 9
Under consideration ** Security Management

"Latest Date" for Express Scheduling

Since Express Scheduling ignores buffers set in the Config tool, users can utilize Express Scheduling to book spaces years in advance. It would be very useful to be ...
Suggested by: Cartland Berge (09 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 06 Mar Comments: 9
Under consideration ** Express Scheduling

Generate pricing by occurrence or event segment

For reoccurring events, schools that bill weekly or monthly need to break the event down into a related event set to do so. The ability to generate pricing/invoicing ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (14 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 08 Dec, '23 Comments: 5

Merge duplicate contacts into single contact

By the time we find out there may be a duplicate contact, they have already been attached to events. This happens a lot because we have instructors with two different ...
Suggested by: Lynne Chin (08 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 12 Apr Comments: 3
Under consideration Contact Management

Suggest and swap rooms When there is a conflict

Often users are requesting recurring events and the room they want is not available every occurrence. Even with recent changes where users can "include only missing ...
Suggested by: Sten Swenson (05 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 3
Under consideration Event Management Workflow

Advanced Contact Search on Search Page

Add Advanced Search Functionality for Contact Records
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (08 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 17 Apr Comments: 7
Under consideration ** Searching

Ability to search by Preferences

Scheduler would like to be able to search for events that have specific locations or features registered as a preference. They're hoping to look at a subset of the ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (17 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 08 Jun, '21 Comments: 2

Different welcome messages based on security group

Different user populations (advanced users vs basic, multiple campuses, etc) are separated into different security groups. Since they have separate needs, it would be ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (18 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 01 Jun, '23 Comments: 3