Quotas for express scheduling

59 votes

Add more controls that prevent a user from monopolizing an express scheduling location, such as the following.

Per Location:

-Maximum event duration (e.g. 60 minutes)
-Available durations (All / 60 minutes / 30 minutes)
-Available start times (All / on the hour / on the half hour)
-Maximum total occurrence duration (in hours/minutes) per security group over a given interval (day, week)
(e.g. Users in the 'Requestors - Students' security group can book 1 hour per day in MSU 101C)
-Global time of day (not based on AP exceptions which is Security Group based)

Per a set of Locations:

-Maximum total occurrence duration (in hours/minutes) per security group over a given interval (day, week) (e.g. Users in the 'Requestors - Students' security group can book 1 hour per day in any MSU study room)

Per primary organization:

-Restrict Direct Scheduling based on org rating
-Limit organizations to sponsor a specified amount of time per day / week / month

Done ** Event Configuration Express Scheduling Settings/configuration Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 15 Jul, '23 Comments: 14

Comments: 14