Suggest and swap rooms When there is a conflict

41 votes

Often users are requesting recurring events and the room they want is not available every occurrence. Even with recent changes where users can "include only missing locations", there is still no easy way to swap out this location with one that IS available. I suggest that there be a feature that easily and clearly guides the user to add a location to date that does not have one (or is in conflict). The system should be able to suggest other locations that meet their criteria and are available in a much more simple way. Also, why does the current system allow "include only missing locations" on the "view all occurrences" associated with the repeating pattern feature, but not with the "view occurrences" associated with a location search? I am attaching an image that hopefully clarifies what I am trying to express.

Under consideration Event Management Workflow Suggested by: Sten Swenson Upvoted: 09 May Comments: 3

Comments: 3