More display variables for automatic email templates

43 votes

Please add the ability to include more things in email templates:

-Contacts associated with organizations (eg Faculty Advisor for student orgs)
-Extra event times
- Event Start Time (Not Including 'Extra' time)
- Event End Time (Not including 'Extra" time)
- Pre Event Time (in HH:MM am/pm format)
- Post Event Time (in HH:MM am/pm time)
- Setup Start Time (in HH:MM am/pm time)
- Takedown End Time (in HH:MM am/pm time)
-Location/resource instructions
-Details from related events
- Requestor Name
- Scheduler Name
- Event Requirements

See also:

Done 25Live Pro Event Save Emails Settings/configuration Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 28 Sep, '22 Comments: 11

Comments: 11