Request Cancellation of Event Option When User is Scheduler and Event Owner

14 votes

It would be nice if there were an option for users who are both the scheduler and event owner to request their event be cancelled. Users can currently request to cancel their event, but not if they are the both the scheduler and event owner. The assumption may be that the user would have access to cancel their own event by changing the event state if they are the owner. However, there may be cases when we don't want users to change the event state, but we do want them to have the ability to request that their event be cancelled. We generally avoid allowing users to cancel their own event, as cancelling the event impacts locations, reseources, etc. Most of our users submitting the event form would be both the scheduler and owner, so the current request cancellation feature wouldn't apply in most cases.

Under consideration ** Workflow Suggested by: Anthony Willard Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2