Include Non-Discounted Price on Invoice

18 votes

Add ability to include the non-discounted / "rack rate" of a location on the invoice so that a group within a different rate group would know the amount of the discount they have received.

For reporting they would be able to see how much gave away or discount, for advertising it would allow people to see what they originally would have paid, but because of their what discount they got.

A case would be an alumni who asks for a space that is normally $100. Because they are an alumni they get 10% off the space. When running their invoice the invoice will say:

Original price= $100
Discounted price= $90
Amount due = $90

Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management Pricing Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 6

Comments: 6