Map assignments of ad hoc events better when copying

13 votes

If you create an ad hoc event and assign different locations or resources to each occurrence, copying the event and mapping the occurrences one-by-one doesn't copy the locations/resources of occurrence 1 to occurrence 1 and the locations/resources of occurrence 2 to occurrence 2. Instead, the repeat date gets dropped when you change the start date, so when you add any repeat dates back in, they all get the locations/resources that were assigned to the original first occurrence.

We would like to see occurrences copied. If your ad hoc repeat pattern is day 1, day 1 + 4, and day 1 + 7, you could repeat that in the copied event and map over location and resource assignments.

Under consideration ** 25Live Pro Event Form Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 1

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