Add an Occurrences column for event search results displayed in List View

4 votes

Display all occurrences for an event in a new column on the List View of event search results. This would serve two purposes:

1. Provide a quick way to view a summary of occurrences for repeat events when you are in the middle of a series. First occurrence date is not always useful mid-term. A similar concern was brought up in

2. Give an indication that the event has repeat occurrence. It is not possible in most cases to discern this from the List View without prior knowledge of an event.

An alternative may be to display a brief summary of an event's repeat pattern (example: M, W, F 8:00 - 10:00) or indicate that the event repeats ad hoc to encourage the user to open the event to see occurrences.

Under consideration Searching Suggested by: Juan (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 03 Jan Comments: 1

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