Location Search by Default Layout Capacity

4 votes

The location search in 25Live PRO allows for searching by capacity, but it searches on the location's maximum capacity. It would be extremely useful if there was an option to search by the location's default layout capacity too. This would be especially useful for clients that have created COVID Physical Distancing layouts that have lower capacities than the location's max capacity and the location's other layout capacities.

Example: Classroom A has a max capacity of 200 and various layouts with capacities ranging from 150-200. Due to COVID, classroom A can only hold 55, so a new Physical Distancing layout with a capacity of 55 is created and set as the default. But the location search is still returning classroom A when searching for a room that will hold 70 because it's searching against 200 instead of 55. We're unable to adjust the max capacity to 55 because that will cap the other layouts at 55 and cause those capacities to be lost. Searching by the default layout would fix this.

Under consideration Location Management Search Criteria Searching Suggested by: Derek B. Upvoted: 29 Mar, '21 Comments: 0

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