Switch most of Event Form Configuration to Event Rules

3 votes

I would like to see Event Form Configuration more of a just how we determine what the system field names and help text are. For everything else I would like it to be control by Event Rules. So the only thing that would appear first would be Event Type which would always be required. From there I could create my rules for what other fields/sections how up and if they are required. As part of this it would mean every rule that adds something to show it should also have a setting for required or not. There would also need to be a criteria for on edit, create or both. I would like the rules to including even small things like, Additional Time Section; Spanning Midnight checkbox; Create Contact or Organization buttons; Allow Repeating Pattern.

Under consideration Event Form Event Form Configuration Suggested by: Pamela Mason Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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