When reserving a space with an "Also Assign" location with a conflict, show the right location name

3 votes

I just had an experience where I was trying to reserve a location that showed there was a conflict because it was closed during a certain time frame. I checked that location and it didn't have any closed hours on it. A lot more digging led me to an "also assign" location that was closed during that time frame and was apparently causing the conflict. Since the conflict only showed the first spaces name, I had no idea that the other location was the actual issue. Please update the wording in this situation to reflect the proper location that has the closed hours that would be creating the conflict. This would help to make the conflict information a lot more clear and to troubleshoot more efficiently.

Under consideration Location Management Suggested by: Megan Parravano Upvoted: 08 Feb, '23 Comments: 0

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