Make the "Event Save Error" More Clear to the User on What is Missing

13 votes

The most common issue I deal with when people are trying to input and save events is that they get the "event save error" and cannot for the life of them figure out what is missing. 99.9999% of the time, the issue is that a custom attribute answer is missing. I know the page jumps to that section to try to show them, but all they see is the tiny text at the bottom of the section that states "Please enter a value for required custom attributes". People always think it refers to the very last question in that section, which isn't even required on our form.

My suggestion is to put a big red box around the question(s) that is missing, just like for the acknowledgement, so that users can easily see what they need to complete in order to move forward. Or have some sort of indicator that points to the exact question(s) that are missing.

Under consideration Event Form Suggested by: Megan Parravano Upvoted: 10 May Comments: 4

Comments: 4