Adding Orgs and Contacts in PRO instead of Admin

9 votes

It would be incredibly helpful if we could add/create new orgs and contacts in PRO (besides in the event form) instead of using Admin. It is great to have the ability to edit existing orgs/contacts but now that we are transitioning out of Admin, adding is just as important to us.

For example, with the new year we are being hit with all the new clubs and their contacts that need to be added into 25Live. I would much prefer to train my staff on Pro rather than Admin, since that is going away, and Pro would be a simpler system.

(I think my plan for now is to stay in PRO and use a new event in the event form and have my student just add there. They can clean it up after as an existing object. However while it does avoid Admin, this is tedious.)

Done 25Live Pro Contact Management Organization Management Suggested by: Bonnie Hendrickson Upvoted: 10 Oct, '22 Comments: 2

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