Warning if end time/start time on two different events are a conflict

19 votes

As a user, when I assign a location to one or more occurrences, if the start time of that location assignment is equal to the end time of another assignment of the same location on the same day, I receive a warning. The same would be true if the end time of that location assignment is equal to the start time of another assignment of the same location on the same day. For example, an event that ends at 4pm in BCC 101, and another event that start at 4pm in the same room are NOT in conflict.

Warning Text:
Warning! The start or end time of your occurrence exactly overlaps the start or end time of another event in the same location. Please consider including buffer time on your event to allow transition time for the location.

Under consideration Event Configuration Event Form Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 1

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