Ability to hide Creation Date, or 'Event Info' box on event details page by security group

7 votes

As we start considering Pro (in lieu of Mobile), we have one major concern directly tied to an internal process. One of our road blocks has been the existence of “creation date” within the system. We are one of those schools where ‘less is more.’ We also have an internal process where we book out events for the following year under the pretense of ‘first come first served,’ but that we really manage on the back end (so everyone that needs a certain space/date is actually getting it and we put all the puzzle pieces together).
We have some users who really dig and question events (particularly when they do not get their way😊) and this is one of those conversations that we would be forced to entertain (about who really is getting priority where as it is running very smoothly for us now), but that doesn’t add value to our operation. Any chance creation date can be hidden from standard -2 users? Or the whole ‘event info’ box as a whole?

Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Configuration Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 03 Dec, '22 Comments: 0

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